Rassegna Stampa Scientifica Febbraio 2024



After an average follow-up of 13 years and five months, the risk of lung cancer among quitters fell 42%, with smaller falls of 27%, 20% and 14% recorded for liver, colorectal and stomach cancers respectively, compared with those who continued smoking. Details were published in Jama Network Open [Note: See below]... According to the study, smokers who quit before the age of 50 had their risk of lung cancer fall 57% over the follow-up period compared with those who continued to puff. Those who quit at 50 or older experienced a 40% reduction in lung cancer risk over that time." [Ian Sample. Quitting smoking reduces cancer risk at any age, says study, The Guardian]


“A top Biden administration health official is urging allies outside the government to lobby the White House to ban menthol cigarettes nationwide, fearing that President Joe Biden may abandon the proposal to avoid backlash from Black voters. Robert Califf, the commissioner of the Food and Drug Administration, has privately asked friends and public health experts to press their White House contacts over the status of the long delayed policy… He has voiced concerns that White House support for the ban is waning amid warnings that outlawing a product popular with Black smokers could dent enthusiasm for Biden’s reelection in the minority communities that are core to the president’s base. Califf’s behind-the-scenes encouragement… illustrates the extraordinary lengths that the FDA chief has gone in pursuit of a landmark tobacco policy he considers a top agency priority.” [Adam Cancryn, David Lim. A top official fears Biden might let politics interfere with public health, Politico]


“[Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-NY) has] called on the Federal Trade Commission to investigate [nicotine pouch Zyn's] marketing, and for the Food and Drug Administration to look into ZYN’s health effects. He described the product as a “pouch packed with problems.” “I am delivering a warning to parents because these pouches seem to lock their sights on young kids, teenagers and even lower—and then use the social media to hook ’em"... Instead of encouraging people to quit tobacco products, critics worry that ZYN is a gateway to harmful cigarettes and vapes. A 2023 study found that 1.5 percent of middle high school students had used nicotine pouches in the past 30 days...


“As for the “ZYNsurrection,” anti-tobacco leader Sen. Richard Blumenthal (D-CT) told The Daily Beast he just doesn’t get it. “I’m not sure of the motivation,” Blumenthal said. “I sued the big tobacco companies. I’ve had to take action against vaping. Nicotine is a really powerfully addictive drug, and once kids are addicted, the door is open to other even more harmful products.” [Riley Rogerson. ‘Come and Take It’: Congress’ War Over ZYN Nicotine Pouches, Daily Beast]


Ten million fewer cigarettes will be smoked each day by 2040 under the government’s new generational smoking ban, new analysis shows. Historic legislation will be put before MPs this week, making it illegal to ever sell tobacco to those born after January 1, 2009, who are presently aged 15 and under. The ban will mean that by 2040, nobody under the age of 31 will have ever been able to smoke legally in the UK. Modelling by Cancer Research UK has examined the impact of banning this generation of young adults from ever taking up smoking.” [Eleanor Hayward. Smoking ban: 10 million fewer cigarettes will be smoked each day by 2040, The Times]


"Of course, the [UK] legislation could go further – reducing affordability is another form of regulation that we have seen work with other harmful products… However, what is important is that we recognise the opportunity the legislation proposal is giving us: a unique chance to change the nation’s health by preventing thousands of deaths and cases of disease. But over the coming weeks and months, there will be significant pressure from the tobacco industry on MPs to vote against the legislation. After all, their business relies on encouraging children to buy an addictive product so that they continue to make a profit… [thus] we must keep the facts at the forefront of the conversation so that when MPs are called to vote, they can do so with all the information to hand and make a balanced decision on behalf of their constituents." [Greg Fell. Big Tobacco will try its hardest to prevent the ban on disposable vapes and the reduction of the legal smoking age, New StatesmanSee below: New tobacco and vaping legislation will go a long way to protect children’s healthBMJSee also: How bad is vaping for your health? We’re finally getting answers, New Scientist]


"In this population-based cohort study of more than 2 million participants, the cancer risk showed a slightly higher value for 10 years after quitting compared with continued smoking, and then gradually decreased, reaching 50% of the risk associated with continued smoking after 15 years or more. Lung cancer risk decreased 3 years earlier than that of other cancer types, with a larger relative reduction. Meaning  These findings suggest that sustained smoking cessation is associated with reduced risk of cancer, especially lung cancer, after 10 years since quitting smoking."


Cancer Risk Following Smoking Cessation in Korea

JAMA Netw Open. 2024;7(2):e2354958.

February 6, 2024

Eunjung Park, Hee-Yeon Kang, Min Kyung Lim, Byungmi Kim, Jin-Kyoung Oh



Note: Open Access.


Related Coverage:


Ian Sample. Quitting smoking reduces cancer risk at any age, says study



“Tobacco companies created separate divisions to develop and roll out these products, and the majority developed medical research programmes to steer these [pharmaceutical-like] products through regulatory agencies, seeking certification as reduced-harm or pharmaceutical products. These products were regarded as key to the survival of the tobacco industry in an unfriendly political and social climate. Conclusions: Pharmaceuticalisation was pursued to perpetuate the profitability of tobacco and nicotine for tobacco companies, not as a sincere search to mitigate the harms of smoking in society.”


Pharmaceuticalisation as the tobacco industry's endgame

BMJ Glob Health. 2024 Feb 5;9(2):e013866.

Yogi Hale Hendlin, Elieen Le Han, Pamela M Ling




Note: Open Access.


"Ultimately, informed public health policies and regulations should be grounded in evidence-based research, striking a delicate balance between supporting adult smokers in reducing harm and protecting non-smokers and youth from potential risks... In conclusion, the safety of e-cigarettes is a complex and multifaceted issue that requires ongoing investigation and careful consideration of various factors. By addressing the limitations identified and continuing to conduct rigorous research, we can advance our understanding of e-cigarettes' safety profile and make more informed decisions to protect public health."


Comparative systematic review on the safety of e-cigarettes and conventional cigarettes

Food and Chemical Toxicology

Volume 185, March 2024, 114507

Available online 6 February 2024, Version of Record 9 February 2024.

Josef Yayan, Karl-Josef Franke Christian Biancosino, Kurt Rasche



Note: Open Access.


Related coverage:


How dangerous IS vaping compared with smoking? New review analyzes the dangers of both.... and finds former is linked to EIGHT lung diseases



“The UK government recently announced proposed legislation intended to prevent millions of children ever starting to smoke, while applying new restrictions on the availability and appeal of vapes to limit their use by young people and people who do not smoke… These measures are not intended to be a “silver bullet” that eliminates tobacco use altogether or entirely stops young people from vaping, but they will make UK tobacco control much stronger. There are obstacles to overcome before legislation can be passed and implemented. The biggest of these is attempts from tobacco industry lobbyists to stop, delay, and dilute legislation… The proposed legislation is ambitious and the most important in a generation for UK tobacco control. If successful, it will go a very long way to improving the health of our children for decades to come.”



New tobacco and vaping legislation will go a long way to protect children’s health

BMJ 2024;384:q381 (Published 14 February 2024)

Sanjay Agrawal




Note: Open Access.


“Stricter regulations, including enforcing sales restrictions, and appropriate health-promoting campaigns are needed to prevent vaping by young people, but these measures must be balanced with the health needs of older adults who smoke and require support to quit. There is understandable scepticism about the motives of the tobacco industry in selling smoke-free products while continuing to expand tobacco markets in low-income and middle-income countries. To remain profitable, the tobacco industry will eventually need to migrate its global business to less harmful alternatives since cigarettes will no longer monopolise the delivery of nicotine.”


Harnessing tobacco harm reduction

The Lancet

COMMENT| VOLUME 403, ISSUE 10426, P512-514, FEBRUARY 10, 2024

Published: February 01, 2024

Robert Beaglehole, Ruth Bonita





Rassegna Stampa Scientifica Marzo 2024




People who vape suffer similar changes to their DNA as smokers who develop cancer, researchers have revealed.

Scientists at University College London analysed samples of cheek cells from vape users and compared these with those from cigarette smokers. Both groups had similar changes to the DNA of cells in their mouth.

These changes were, in turn, linked to the future development of lung cancer in smokers.

The authors of the study, published in the journal Cancer Research, said the findings did not prove e-cigarettes cause cancer but show that “the devices might not be as harmless as originally thought”.

It is the first major study to draw a link between e-cigarettes and an increased risk of cancer.

Little is known about the long-term effects of e-cigarettes, and debates over their harm have so far mainly focused on concerns about nicotine addiction among the young. On Wednesday MPs will be presented with world-leading legislation restricting the flavours and promotions of vapes, as well as banning smoking for younger generations altogether.

Rishi Sunak said that the bill would “save thousands of lives and billions of pounds for our NHS” and that he was confident of staving off a party rebellion. Some MPs on the Tory right, led by Liz Truss, have criticised the smoking ban for those born after January 1, 2009, as curtailing individual freedom, but all of the UK’s present and former chief medical officers, including Professor Sir Chris Whitty, have taken issue with this argument.

Little is known about long-term side eff­ects of vaping, which is a relatively new phenomenon


Writing for The Times, they said: “To be pro-individual choice should mean being against the deliberate addiction of children, young people and young adults to something that will harm them, potentially fatally.”

They urged MPs to back the legislation to help end the “flagrant marketing of vapes to children using colours, flavours and packaging”. They added: “Vapes can help smokers quit. But if you don’t smoke, our advice is don’t vape.”

A recent investigation by The Times revealed how the promotion of e-cigarettes by the government and NHS as a tool to stop smoking led to an epidemic of youth vaping, as organisations linked to the tobacco industry played down e-cigarettes’ health risks.

Because vaping is relatively new, ­little is known about long-term side eff­ects. UCL’s study is the first to examine how smoking and vaping can modify the DNA in cells, in a process known as epigenetics. These changes are thought to allow cells to divide more quickly, potentially growing into tumours.

The study involved data from 4,000 people, and looked at cell samples from hundreds of smokers, as well as vapers who don’t regularly use tobacco. This showed that cells in the mouth, which are exposed to tobacco and vape smoke, were “substantially” altered. The changes were also seen in the lung cancer tissue of smokers who developed cancer.

The study’s author, Dr Chiara Herzog, said: “While the scientific consensus is that e-cigarettes are safer than smoking tobacco, we cannot assume they are completely safe to use and it is important to explore their potential long-term risks and links to cancer. We hope this study may help form part of a wider discussion into e-cigarette usage, ­especially in people who have never previously smoked tobacco.”

Her co-author, Professor Martin Widschwendter, said: “Changes that are observed in lung cancer tissue can also be measured in cheek cells from smokers who have not [yet] developed a cancer. Importantly, our research points to the fact that e-cigarette users exhibit the same changes, and these ­devices might not be as harmless as originally thought. Long-term studies of e-cigarettes are needed.”

The study examined the effects on cells by studying a type of epigenetic change in cells called DNA methylation. Epigenetics is the term for factors, such as our environment and lifestyle, that can modify and determine how our DNA is expressed, such as by suppressing genes that stop cells dividing into tumours.

Dr Ian Walker, executive director of policy at Cancer Research UK, said: “This study contributes to our understanding of e-cigarettes, but it does not show that e-cigarettes cause cancer.

“Decades of research has proven the link between smoking and cancer, and studies have so far shown that e-cigarettes are far less harmful than smoking and can help people quit.

“This paper does, however, highlight that e-cigarettes are not risk-free, and so we need additional studies to uncover their potential longer-term impacts on human health.

“Smoking tobacco causes 150 cases of cancer every single day in the UK, which is why we look forward to seeing the government’s age of sale legislation being presented in parliament. Nothing would have a bigger impact on reducing the number of preventable deaths in the UK than ending smoking, and this policy will take us one step closer to a smoke-free future.”

Andrew Beggs, a professor of cancer genetics and surgery at the University of Birmingham, said: “Although it doesn’t show a direct causal effect, this study shows that further research must be done to understand the effects of e-cigarettes on human health and ­whether they could be linked to an increased risk of cancer.”

Behind the story

Few countries have embraced vaping as enthusiastically as Britain, where e-cigarettes have become ubiquitous in high streets, parks and schools across the country (Billy Kenber, Senior Investigations Reporter, writes).

While other nations adopted a precautionary approach in the absence of long-term health data, public health bodies in the UK were early and vocal supporters of the use of e-cigarettes by smokers, declaring them 95 per cent safer than smoking.

The stance, which extended to handing out free vapes to smokers and allowing vape shops to open in hospitals, was spearheaded by academics specialising in addiction who viewed e-cigarettes as a potentially invaluable tool in the battle to persuade smokers to quit the habit.

They saw it as a continuation of the UK’s ‘harm reduction’ approach of offering safer alternatives like nicotine replacement therapy to people unable to give up.

But critics claim this narrow focus on existing smokers meant insufficient consideration was given to the risks to the wider public from non-smokers, including children, taking up vaping.

E-cigarettes were invented by a Chinese pharmacist in 2003 and were initially of niche interest to small numbers of smokers.

But as they grew in popularity, tobacco giants began to buy up existing brands and launch their own e-cigarettes as they sought to take over the market.

The UK’s pro-vaping stance has made it something of a global outlier, with many other countries choosing to restrict vapes to prescription-only, prohibit certain flavours or ban e-cigarette sales altogether.

It retained this approach for years even as public health experts and paediatricians warned that the promotion of vapes was normalising e-cigarettes for non-smokers and risked creating a generation of nicotine-addicted youth vapers, a Times investigation has previously revealed.

An academic article published in 2018 accused Public Health England of “complacency” as “thousands of children become nicotine addicted through vaping” amid the rising popularity of cheap, brightly coloured vapes pioneered in the United States by Juul. It warned of the unknown health consequences of e-cigarettes and the possibility of an “epidemic of devastating lung disease for today’s children”.

Meanwhile, international organisations such as the World Health Organisation continued to question the scientific evidence around e-cigarettes and warned that they were harmful to health.


By 2023, more than one in five children under 18 in the UK had tried an e-cigarette, a 30 per cent increase in a year.

The UK’s pro-vaping approach made it a target for those wishing to promote the use of e-cigarettes around the world.

A Times investigation in December exposed ties between tobacco companies and a secretive lobbying campaign to boost e-cigarette sales and block health measures aimed at protecting children.

Cigarette manufacturers fostered links to doctors, scientists and activists who have promoted the use of e-cigarettes and lobbied against efforts to impose tighter regulations on vapes.

This has included funding scientific papers which have played down the risks of children vaping and helping to run a supposedly ‘grassroots’ campaign which presented itself as the voice of ordinary vapers and tried to influence policy decisions.

Hundreds of British doctors attended smoking cessation training sessions which included advice on the use of e-cigarettes and nicotine replacement therapies by smokers looking to quit. They were run by an NHS doctor who has received millions in funding from a foundation which was solely-funded by a tobacco giant.

Lobbying efforts continued amid a government consultation on how to tackle youth vaping.

In January, Rishi Sunak made his decision, electing to bring in new restrictions on flavours and packaging and pledging to ban disposable vapes.

“We’ve got a generation of nicotine addicted kids,” Martin McKee, a professor of European public health at the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine, has said. “Hopefully, many of them will come off it but it won’t be all.”




Why MPs must back vape controls

Professor Sir Chris Whitty and all other chief, deputy and former chief medical officers

Millions of smokers want to quit but cannot due to an addiction to nicotine. It is an addiction they know could well kill them but is now trapping them. More than 80 per cent of smokers start before the age of 20, many as children, after persistent marketing.

To be pro-individual choice should mean being against deliberate addiction of children, young people and young adults to something that will harm them, potentially fatally.

Over the life course, addiction to smoking damages individuals, families and society. From stillbirth in pregnant women through asthma in children due to passive smoking, heart disease, stroke, lung disease, diabetes and 15 different types of cancer to dementia, smoking blights lives.

Smoking remains Britain’s biggest preventable killer, resulting in about 80,000 deaths a year, and is a major driver of socioeconomic and geographic inequalities. Passive smoking of second-hand smoke, including by children, damages health for life. The NHS carries the burden of trying to undo some of the damage smoking causes.

Parliament is about to debate a bill which will, if passed, produce enormous public health benefit and, we hope, lead to a smoke-free generation.

At the same time, it will help to ensure the flagrant marketing of vapes to children using colours, flavours and packaging is reduced. The overwhelming majority of doctors, nurses and other healthcare workers, who have seen the misery nicotine addiction causes, will support this bill.

Vapes can help smokers quit. But if you don’t smoke, our advice is don’t vape — and marketing of vapes to children is utterly unacceptable.

We strongly encourage MPs and peers from all four nations and all political parties to support a smoke-free generation and restrictions of marketing of vapes to children.

Current Chief Medical Officers
Professor Sir Chris Whitty, Chief Medical Officer for England
Professor Sir Michael McBride, Chief Medical Officer for Northern Ireland
Professor Sir Gregor Smith, Chief Medical Officer for Scotland
Professor Sir Frank Atherton, Chief Medical Officer for Wales

Former Chief Medical Officers
Professor Dame Sally Davies, Former Chief Medical Officer for England
Professor Sir Liam Donaldson, Former Chief Medical Officer for England
Professor Sir Kenneth Calman, Former Chief Medical Officer for England and Scotland.
Dr Henrietta Campbell, Former Chief Medical Officer for Northern Ireland
Dr James McKenna, Former Chief Medical Officer for Northern Ireland
Professor Catherine Calderwood, Former Chief Medical Officer for Scotland
Professor Aileen Keel, Former Chief Medical Officer for Scotland
Professor Sir Harry Burns, Former Chief Medical Officer for Scotland
Dr Ernest Macalpine Armstrong, Former Chief Medical Officer for Scotland
Sir David Carter, Former Chief Medical Officer for Scotland
Dr Ruth Hussey, Former Chief Medical Officer for Wales
Dr Tony Jewell, Former Chief Medical Officer for Wales
Dr Ruth Hall, Former Chief Medical Officer for Wales
Dame Deirdre Hine, Former Chief Medical Officer for Wales
Current Deputy Chief Medical Officers
Professor Thomas Waite, Deputy Chief Medical Officer for England
Dr Jeanelle DeGruchy, Deputy Chief Medical Officer for England
Dr Aidan Fowler, Deputy Chief Medical Officer for England
Professor Lourda Geoghegan, Deputy Chief Medical Officer for Northern Ireland
Dr Naresh Chada, Deputy Chief Medical Officer for Northern Ireland
Professor Marion Bain, Deputy Chief Medical Officer for Scotland
Professor Nicola Steedman, Deputy Chief Medical Officer for Scotland
Professor Graham Ellis, Deputy Chief Medical Officer for Scotland
Professor Chris Jones, Deputy Chief Medical Officer for Wales.



Cigarette smoking and e-cigarette use induce shared DNA methylation changes linked to carcinogenesis

Cancer Res. 2024 Mar 19. Online ahead of print.

Chiara Herzog, Allison Jones, Iona Evans, Janhavi R Raut, Michal Zikan, David Cibula, Andrew Wong, Hermann Brenner, Rebecca C Richmond, Martin Widschwendter




Tobacco use is a major modifiable risk factor for adverse health outcomes, including cancer, and elicits profound epigenetic changes thought to be associated with long-term cancer risk. While electronic cigarettes (e-cigarettes) have been advocated as harm reduction alternatives to tobacco products, recent studies have revealed potential detrimental effects, highlighting the urgent need for further research into the molecular and health impacts of e-cigarettes. Here, we applied computational deconvolution methods to dissect the cell- and tissue-specific epigenetic effects of tobacco or e-cigarette use on DNA methylation (DNAme) in over 3,500 buccal/saliva, cervical, or blood samples, spanning epithelial and immune cells at directly and indirectly exposed sites. The 535 identified smoking-related DNAme loci (CpGs) clustered into four functional groups, including detoxification or growth signaling, based on cell type and anatomical site. Loci hypermethylated in buccal epithelial cells of smokers associated with NOTCH1/RUNX3/growth factor receptor signaling also exhibited elevated methylation in cancer tissue and progressing lung carcinoma in situ lesions, and hypermethylation of these sites predicted lung cancer development in buccal samples collected from smokers up to 22 years prior to diagnosis, suggesting a potential role in driving carcinogenesis. Alarmingly, these CpGs were also hypermethylated in e-cigarette users with a limited smoking history. This study sheds light on the cell type-specific changes to the epigenetic landscape induced by smoking-related products.




Note: Open Access. A PDF of the Times article with graphics and current poll results is available upon request.





Rassegna Stampa Scientifica Aprile 2024




“Atlantic City casino workers have tried unsuccessfully for years to persuade New Jersey lawmakers to outlaw smoking on gambling floors. [Last] Friday morning, they took their efforts to court. In a lawsuit filed in State Superior Court in Mercer County, groups representing thousands of casino employees accused state legislators of giving special treatment to casino owners by allowing them to let people smoke inside their facilities. The state has allowed casinos to “knowingly force employees to work in toxic conditions,” the workers argued in court documents, and as a result, casino workers have experienced “life-threatening illness and death.”” [Erin Nolan. You Can Still Smoke in Atlantic City Casinos. Workers Want to Ban It, New York Times. Ed. Note: See below for two SHS papers by James Repace.]


“The American College of Cardiology has some bad news for e-cigarette users after a new study found that those who vape are 19% more likely to develop heart failure compared to their non-vaping counterparts. Researchers used data from a National Institutes of Health (NIH) study, including surveys and electronic health records, to assess potential correlations between heart failure diagnoses and e-cigarette use in over 175,000 patients… Marketing campaigns for vaping have appealed to younger audiences in recent years, touting flavors like cotton candy, marshmallow and bubble gum to entice potential buyers, similar to decades-long advertisements. Over the years, though, advertisements for traditional cigarettes have dwindled as experts have increasingly sounded the alarm over their potential side effects.” [Taylor Penley. Smoking cigarettes can destroy lungs, but shocking new study reveals why vaping can harm the heart, Fox News. See also: Study Links E-Cigarette Use with Higher Risk of Heart Failure, American College of Cardiology]


“A Go Smoke Free spokesman said: …“The new disposable vape ban should help to discourage children from taking up vaping, while encouraging adults to shift to more sustainable alternatives, such as refillable vapes.”… Ministers are seeking to draw up measures which will stop children from taking up the habit, while ensuring that they do not deter the use of e-cigarettes as a route to quit smoking… A Cancer Research UK study found that between January 2021 to August 2023, the prevalence of disposable e-cigarette use grew from 0.1 per cent to 4.9 per cent of the adult population. The proportion of those aged 18 to 24 using disposable vapes was significantly higher at 14.4 per cent, including 7.1 per cent who did not have a history of smoking tobacco.” [Alex Barton. The town named the vape shop capital of the UK, The Telegraph]


“A leading medical information company has been urged to cancel a series of new education courses on smoking cessation funded by the tobacco industry giant Philip Morris International (PMI). Physicians and academics have rounded on Medscape for partnering with PMI on five courses launched in the past few months, and they have called for stricter oversight by certification bodies. Anna Gilmore, professor of public health and director of the Tobacco Control Research Group at the University of Bath, UK, said that Medscape had “now lost all credibility and has some serious questions to answer. PMI lost all credibility decades ago, despite its ceaseless and highly misleading attempts to rehabilitate its image. It has now sunk to a new low.” Medscape has temporarily taken down some of the courses while it carries out a review, but it told The BMJ that it had so far “found no evidence of deviation from Medscape’s strict quality and integrity standards.”…


““The support for the use of smokeless tobacco products and e-cigarettes in the content aligns with the corporate objectives of Philip Morris International,” [Pamela Ling, director of the Center for Tobacco Control Research and Education at the University of California San Francisco] said. “The tobacco industry has an exceedingly well documented history of denying and distorting scientific evidence, and it has no place in medical education… Robert Jackler, Sewall professor emeritus at the Stanford University School of Medicine in California, said, “I’ve been a physician for over 40 years. I don’t ever remember the tobacco industry sponsoring . . . certified physician education.”… He highlighted a slide of the courses that stated, “The health goal for all smokers should be smoke free, not tobacco/nicotine abstinent.” Jackler commented, “Only purveyors of tobacco products would make such a ridiculous assertion. The health goal is not switching to another PMI product line but rather to break nicotine addiction and thus halt all use of tobacco products.””


BMJ Investigation

Exclusive: Outcry as Philip Morris International funds smoking cessation courses on Medscape

BMJ 2024;385:q830 (Published 09 April 2024)

Hristio Boytchev




Note: Open Access.


“To date, 66 countries have implemented what are considered best-practice TAPS [tobacco advertising, promotion and sponsorship] bans, protecting almost 2 billion people and, according to Andrew Black, team leader for development assistance at the WHO FCTC Secretariat, they have significantly decreased smoking uptake and prevalence, particularly among young people. Unfortunately, as digital media content and the platforms designed to support their dissemination have continued to evolve, tobacco companies and other nicotine purveyors have found ways to get round the bans, notably by using social media platforms.


““Many of the bigger social media platforms and search engines have banned direct promotion, but tobacco companies have just slipped below the surface,” says [University of Sydney Professor Becky] Freeman. “For example, they might use Facebook web pages featuring ‘lifestyle’ content that seeks to normalize tobacco and nicotine consumption by depicting young people smoking or vaping.”… For Freeman, regulatory tightening cannot come too soon. “There has been this narrative that nothing can be done,” she says. “But there is a lot that government can do, as we have shown in Australia.””



Countering the influence of tobacco

Bull World Health Organ. 2024 Apr 1; 102(4): 230–231.

Published online 2024 Apr 1.




Note: Open Access.


“The study was a cross-sectional descriptive analysis of tobacco expenditure from the Smoking Toolkit Study (STS) matched to income and smoking prevalence data for English local authorities… The total dividend in England is estimated to be £10.9 billion each year, which equates to £1776 per person who smokes or £246 per adult regardless of smoking status… Conclusions This study has estimated that local economies could gain a substantial dividend if everybody stopped smoking, which is larger in lower income areas, meaning that geographical economic inequalities could be reduced… Conclusions: This study has estimated that local economies could gain a substantial dividend if everybody stopped smoking, which is larger in lower income areas, meaning that geographical economic inequalities could be reduced.”


Potential smoke-free dividend across local areas in England: a cross-sectional analysis

Tobacco Control Published Online First: 20 March 2024.

Damon Morris, Duncan Gillespie, Martin J Dockrell, Mark Cook, Marie Horton, Jamie Brown, Tessa Elisabeth Langley






Industry Watch: Marlboro Man goes artisanal?



Across the world availability of flavour accessories for tobacco products




Note: Open Access.


Related coverage:


Quitting smoking could redirect £11bn a year into local economies, study says



“This study investigates the health problems reported by 162 nonsmoking residents residing in 104 multiunit apartments in 71 municipalities in 19 U.S. States and the District of Columbia, plus 2 Canadian Provinces… Nonsmokers complained of eye, nose, throat, and lung irritation, headache, dizziness, nausea, difficulty in breathing, tachycardia, and asthmatic attacks as well as malodors. Many sought medical care and some were hospitalized. Some regarded their apartments as uninhabitable. About 12% resorted to litigation… Conclusions: Secondhand smoke infiltration from smokers’ apartments into nonsmokers’ apartment units in multiunit housing can provoke major morbidity for nonsmoking residents. Nonsmokers’ efforts to eliminate infiltration by sealing of cracks, air cleaning, or increased ventilation proved futile. Building owners and managers need to be educated about protecting nonsmoking residents’ health and welfare from secondhand smoke infiltration. Smoking of tobacco and marijuana products in multiunit housing should be banned.”


Secondhand smoke Infiltration in multiunit housing: Health effects and nicotine levels

Indoor Environments

Volume 1, Issue 2, June 2024, 100013

Available online 26 March 2024, Version of Record 3 April 2024.

James L. Repace



Note: Open Access.


“Ms. PJM’s modeled exposure to fine particulate matter from secondhand smoke ranged from the Hazardous to Significant Harm Levels of the EPA Air Quality Index for fine particles (PM2.5). Her modeled dose of serum cotinine ranged from the 90th to beyond the 95th percentile of nonsmokers’ dose, measured in a statistical sample of the U.S. nonsmoking population. Her estimated risk exceeds OSHA’s Significant Risk of Material Impairment of Health Level by a factor of three. She is estimated to have been exposed to the thirdhand smoke of at least 1.4 million cigarettes outgassing from room surfaces during her 20 years of labor… Conclusions: As a result of her occupational exposure to secondhand and thirdhand smoke, Ms. PJM [who had been employed as a motel maid cleaning rooms for 20 years] lost an estimated 33 years of life expectancy. The State of California has been remiss in failing to extend its workplace smoking ban to hotels and motels, leaving their workstaff at grave risk of the manifold diseases of passive smoking.”


Case Report

Forensic Analysis of Lung Cancer from Secondhand Smoke Exposure of a Motel Worker

European Society of Medicine

Vol 12 No 3 (2024): March issue, Vol.12, Issue 3

Published Mar 26, 2024

James L. Repace




Note: Open Access.


“The study subjects were patients aged ≥20 years undergoing surgery from December 2021 to September 2022 who completed spirometry and reported tobacco (cigarette and HTP [heated tobacco product]) use status during the preoperative assessment… Conclusion: Current HTP use was associated with airway obstruction among patients with cancer who had completely switched from cigarettes even after quitting smoking for a long period. Patients should be routinely screened for HTP use and advised to quit any tobacco.”


Association between heated tobacco product use and airway obstruction: a single-centre observational study, Japan

BMJ Open Respir Res. 2024 Mar 9;11(1):e001793.

Satomi Odani, Shihoko Koyama, Isao Miyashiro, Hironobu Tanigami, Yoshifumi Ohashi, Takahiro Tabuchi




Note: Open Access.





Rassegna Stampa Scientifica Maggio 2024




"Tobacco companies still actively target young people via social media, sports and music festivals and new, flavoured products, the World Health Organization (WHO) said [last] Thursday, accusing companies of trying to hook a new generation on nicotine. Amid ever-stricter regulation targeting cigarettes, big tobacco companies and new entrants have begun offering smoking alternatives such as vapes, which they say are aimed at adult smokers. But the WHO said these products' are often marketed to youth… "History is repeating itself, but in a different form. The same nicotine with a different packaging," said Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, the WHO's director-general." [No author. Tobacco and nicotine industry 'hooking the next generation,' WHO report says, CBC News/Thompson Reuters. See also: Tobacco industry ‘aggressively’ targeting youth with ‘manipulative’ tactics: WHO, Global News (Canada); Tobacco and nicotine industry tactics addict youth for life, WHO; Report: Hooking the next generation: how the tobacco industry captures young customers, WHO]


"Disposable e-cigarettes have led to a tripling of vaping in young adults and reversed a historic fall in nicotine use, a new study shows. Researchers at University College London found that 29 per cent of people aged 18 to 24 in England used vapes in May 2023, up from 9 per cent in May 2021. This surge coincided with the arrival of single-use e-cigarettes, such as Elf Bars, which are cheap and often come in bright colours and fruity flavours. Although smoking rates have declined, the popularity of disposable vapes mean that overall nicotine use has increased among young adults — many of whom who would “otherwise have avoided nicotine entirely”." [Eleanor Hayward. Disposable e-cigarettes lead to tripling of vaping in young adults, The Times. See below: Lancet study]


"Rishi Sunak's flagship bill to eventually ban smoking looks set to be shelved after he called a surprise July general election. The prime minister would not guarantee the law would pass before Parliament [shut] down for the election [last] Friday. Talks between the government and opposition parties over which bills to rush through before then are ongoing. Labour has previously pledged to bring in the ban if it wins power at the election on Thursday 4 July. Mr Sunak also remains committed to creating a "smoke-free generation" and the ban is likely to feature in the Conservative manifesto." [Paul Seddon, Vicki Young. Rishi Sunak's smoking ban bill set to be shelved due to election, BBC News. See also: Video: Sunak 'disappointed' smoking ban bill did not get through, BBC News; Will banning cigarettes create a smoke-free generation?, New Statesman. See below: Science Editorial]


"For months now, Cancer Research UK has been campaigning in favour of the Tobacco and Vapes Bill, and I had been quietly optimistic that my son and his friends would be forever protected from a lifetime of addiction to tobacco. But this week, that all changed. When the general election was called by the prime minister, hard-won progress on the bill was brought to a grinding halt. And now, as the bill slips through the cracks during wash-up, we are heading back to square one… I want my son to live in a world where cancers caused by smoking are a thing of the past. Our political leaders want the same for their children, too. I implore them to think not just about the next five years they might potentially spend in office, but to look beyond to the future. Failure to do so would be a betrayal of an entire generation. " [Michelle Mitchell, Chief Executive, Cancer Research UK. Abandoning the Tobacco and Vapes Bill would betray a generation, Politics.co.uk]


"Last fall, [former tobacco control activist Cliff] Douglas announced he was taking the helm of the Foundation for a Smoke-Free World, an organization with the stated goal to “end smoking in this generation.” Philip Morris International, which sells cigarettes globally but not in the United States, has been the foundation’s sole funder since its inception in 2017…. Douglas said that PMI had no role in his hiring, and that he was selected by the foundation’s wholly independent board of directors. He negotiated a split with PMI before taking the job, though the foundation will likely be dependent on its funding for some time thanks to a $140 million final payment. He also is renaming the organization, which… will be called Global Action to End Smoking… “We are public health, pure and simple,” Douglas said." [Nicholas Florko. After decades fighting Big Tobacco, Cliff Douglas now leads a foundation funded by his former adversaries, STAT News]


" Pre-disposables, vaping and smoking prevalence had been stable or declining across all age groups. However, post-disposables, the odds of current vaping increased by 99% per year among 18 to 24-year-olds (odds ratio [OR] = 1.99; 95% confidence interval [CI] = 1.71 to 2.31), compared with 39% (OR = 1.39; 95% CI = 1.26 to 1.52) in 25 to 44-year-olds and 23% (OR = 1.23; 95% CI = 1.12 to 1.35) in those aged 45 or older… Interpretation: Since disposable vapes started becoming popular in England, historic declines in nicotine use have reversed. Now, nicotine use appears to be rising, driven primarily by sharp increases in vaping among young people. Smoking declines have been most pronounced in age groups with the largest increases in vaping."


Trends in vaping and smoking following the rise of disposable e-cigarettes: a repeat cross-sectional study in England between 2016 and 2023

Lancet Global Health

Published: May 23, 2024

Harry Tattan-Birch, Jamie Brown, Lion Shahab, Emma Beard, Sarah E. Jackson



Note: Open Access.


Related coverage:


Disposable e-cigarettes lead to tripling of vaping in young adults



"Politicians fueled by tobacco industry lobbying argue that sunset laws are paternalist, undermining freedom of choice. Yet smoking is far from a free choice. Most smokers want to stop, but seductive marketing and packaging disguise severe harms, and deliberately elevated nicotine levels drive compulsive use. Governments have no moral or legal justification to allow the wide availability of a deadly product that their own health agencies warn against using. The truth is that there is no safe age to start smoking. Preventing tobacco dependency, beginning with young people, would garner huge public support."



Pursuing a smoke-free generation


23 May 2024 Vol 384, Issue 6698 p. 829




Note: Open Access.




Rassegna Stampa Scientifica Agosto 2021


Smoking is associated with worse outcomes of COVID-19 particularly among younger adults: a systematic review and meta-analysis

BMC Public Health volume 21, Article number: 1554 (2021)

Published: 16 August 2021

Roengrudee Patanavanich & Stanton A. Glantz



Note: Open Access.


"SARS-CoV-2… gains entry into the host cell when its Spike protein is cleaved by host proteases TMPRSS2 and furin, thereby markedly increasing viral affinity for its receptor, angiotensin-converting enzyme-2(ACE2)… [Tobacco cigarette-] TCIG-smokers compared to NS [non-smokers] had a significantly increased percentage of cells that were positive for ACE2 (10-fold, p<0.001), TMPRSS2 (5-fold, p<0.001) and ADAM17 (2.5-fold, p<0.001)… Conclusions: The finding that key instigators of COVID-19 infection are lower in [e-cigarette-] ECIG-vapers compared to TCIG-smokers is intriguing and warrants additional investigation to determine if switching to ECIGs is an effective harm reduction strategy. However, the trend towards increased proteases in ECIG-vapers remains concerning."


Instigators of COVID-19 in Immune Cells are Increased in Tobacco Cigarette Smokers and Electronic Cigarette Vapers Compared to Non-smokers

Nicotine & Tobacco Research, ntab168.

Published: 19 August 2021

Theodoros Kelesidis, Yuyan Zhang, Elizabeth Tran, Grace Sosa, Holly R Middlekauff


Note: Open Access.


"We review the health risks of e-cigarette use, the likelihood that vaping increases smoking cessation, concerns about youth vaping, and the need to balance valid concerns about risks to youths with the potential benefits of increasing adult smoking cessation… Noteworthy is the lack of trials by e-cigarette manufacturers in pursuit of regulatory agency approval to use e-cigarettes for smoking cessation, likely reflecting the profitability of selling e-cigarettes as consumer products, rather than medicinal devices."


Balancing Consideration of the Risks and Benefits of E-Cigarettes

American Journal of Public Health (AJPH)

Published Online: August 19, 2021

David J. K. Balfour, Neal L. Benowitz, Suzanne M. Colby, Dorothy K. Hatsukami, Harry A. Lando, Scott J. Leischow, Caryn Lerman, Robin J. Mermelstein, Raymond Niaura, Kenneth A. Perkins, Ovide F. Pomerleau, Nancy A. Rigotti, Gary E. Swan, Kenneth E. Warner, and Robert West



Note: Open Access.


Related PR:


Current focus on preventing youth vaping could hinder adults' efforts to stop smoking



"Across the four [US] studies [in California and Connecticut], e-cigarette use >5 days/month versus never use was associated with bronchitic symptoms (summary odds ratio, sOR: 1.56; 95% confidence interval, CI: 1.37, 1.77) and shortness of breath (sOR: 1.68; 95% CI: 1.35, 2.08) but not statistically significantly with asthma exacerbations (sOR: 1.36; 95% CI; 0.95, 1.95). Among past 30-day e-cigarette users, associations with respiratory symptoms did not differ by device type. In these populations, e-cigarette use was positively associated with symptoms of bronchitis and shortness of breath, but adjusted odds of symptoms did not differ meaningfully by device type. These findings suggest that risk of these respiratory outcomes is elevated among more frequent e-cigarette users regardless of device type used."


E-cigarette use and adverse respiratory symptoms among adolescents and Young adults in the United States

Prev Med. 2021 Aug 18;106766. Online ahead of print.

Benjamin W Chaffee, Jessica Barrington-Trimis, Fei Liu, Ran Wu, Rob McConnell, Suchitra Krishnan-Sarin, Adam M Leventhal, Grace Kong 


Note: Open Access.


"Data were from a nationally-representative subsample of 8th, 10th, and 12th grade students in the Monitoring the Future Study who had used JUUL or cigarettes in the past 30 days… Non-nicotine substance use and more frequent JUUL use was associated with significantly greater odds of dependence and more severe dependence symptoms in multivariable models. The severity distribution of most (craving) and least (inability to quit) dependence symptom types observed in JUUL dependence paralleled those observed in analysis of combustible cigarette dependence symptoms in past 30-day smokers."


Nicotine dependence symptoms in U.S. youth who use JUUL E-cigarettes

Drug Alcohol Depend. 2021 Aug 4;227:108941. Online ahead of print.

Afton Kechter, Junhan Cho, Richard A Miech, Jessica L Barrington-Trimis, Adam M Leventhal



"Consistent with prior findings, baseline e-cigarette use [in the Netherlands and Flanders] was associated with higher odds of tobacco smoking at 6-month (OR=1.89; 95% CI 1.05 to 3.37) and 12-month (OR=5.63; 95% CI 3.04 to 10.42) follow-ups. More frequent use of e-cigarettes at baseline was associated with more frequent smoking at follow-ups. Baseline tobacco smoking was associated with subsequent e-cigarette use (OR=3.10; 95% CI 1.58 to 6.06 at both follow-ups). Conclusion: Our study replicated the positive relation between e-cigarette use and tobacco smoking in both directions for adolescents. This may mean that the gateway works in two directions, that e-cigarette and tobacco use share common risk factors, or that both mechanisms apply."


Exploring the gateway hypothesis of e-cigarettes and tobacco: a prospective replication study among adolescents in the Netherlands and Flanders

Tobacco Control Published Online First: 05 July 2021.

Thomas Martinelli, Math J J M Candel, Hein de Vries, Reinskje Talhout, Vera Knapen, Constant P van Schayck, Gera E Nagelhout






Strategic and contested use of food laws to ban smokeless tobacco products in India: a qualitative analysis of litigation



Note: Open Access.


"While the FDA [Food & Drug Administration] continues to act at the federal level, the PSA [Public Service Announcement] framework can help guide additional multilevel coordinated efforts to inform the agency of apparent regulatory loopholes and their effects. This may best be achieved through a consortium of entities and individuals (eg, researchers, clinicians, organizations) interested in tobacco control, policy makers (eg, state attorneys general, lawmakers at all governmental levels), and other key stakeholders (eg, youth, parents, educators) convened and guided by a federal agency such as the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention."



Collaborative Public Health Strategies to Combat e-Cigarette Regulation Loopholes

JAMA Pediatr. Published online August 16, 2021.

Kar-Hai Chu, Tina Batra Hershey, Jaime E. Sidani



"The self-reported 7-day PPA [prevalence of cigarette abstinence] was statistically significantly lower among HTP [heated tobacco product] users than among non-HTP users after 6 months (19.0% vs. 34.2%; p = 0.009), with an adjusted relative risk of 0.47 (95% confidence interval: 0.24-0.91; p = 0.03)… Conclusions: Youth HTP users were less likely to abstain from tobacco use than their non-HTP-using counterparts. These results suggest that HTPs should not be promoted as smoking cessation or reduction aids among the youth population."


The association between heated tobacco product use and cigarette cessation outcomes among youth smokers: A prospective cohort study

J Subst Abuse Treat. 2021 Aug 15;108599. Online ahead of print.

Wei Xia, William Ho Cheung Li, Yuan Hui Luo, Ting Na Liang, Laurie Long Kwan Ho, Ankie Tan Cheung, Peige Song



"Pictorial warning label exposure led to increases in fear which led to increased motivation to quit smoking for the first (B = 0.12, 95% CI = 0.04, 0.26) and second (B = 0.12, 95% CI = 0.03, 0.25) model. Exposure modestly increased motivation to quit by way of fear and affective risk perceptions (B = 0.01, 95% CI = 0.00, 0.04). Exposure had a direct relationship on increased motivation to quit as well."


Mediational Effects on Motivation to Quit Smoking After Exposure to a Cigarette Pictorial Warning Label Among Young Adults

Ann Behav Med. 2021 Aug 20;kaab073. Online ahead of print.

Andrea C Johnson, Monique M Turner, Samuel J Simmens, W Douglas Evans, Andrew A Strasser, Darren Mays


Note: Open Access.


"All four HWL [health warning label] themes performed well [in Beijing, Shanghai and Shenzhen] for each outcome with average ratings >6.5. Harming family or children with secondhand smoke was the theme that received the highest ratings for each outcome, with credibility (8.0, 95% CI 7.86 to 8.09) and prevention of smoking (8.8, 95% CI 8.63 to 8.91) outcomes being significantly higher (p<0.05)… Conclusion: All four HWL themes tested could be effective in China; the theme of secondhand smoke harming family or children may be a particularly credible/effective theme."


Perceived effectiveness of four different cigarette health warning label themes among a sample of urban smokers and non-smokers in China

Tobacco Control Published Online First: 16 August 2021.

Qinghua Nian, Jeffrey J Hardesty, Joanna E Cohen, Xiangqiang Xie, Ryan David Kennedy



Note: Open Access.




Plant-based menthol cigarettes? Food industry trends and farm-to-pack cigarette advertising



"Significantly more African American (73.2%) compared to White (52.4%) smokers preferred menthol cigarettes (p < .001). Menthol smokers reported greater positive and negative subjective responses to smoking than non-menthol smokers. Positive and negative subjective response were both associated with greater smoking intensity and lower cigarette harm perceptions… Policies that ban menthol cigarettes may have a particularly positive impact on the cigarette smoking of African American young adult smokers."


Affirming the Abuse Liability and Addiction Potential of Menthol: Differences in Subjective Appeal to Smoking Menthol Versus Non-Menthol Cigarettes Across African American and White Young Adult Smokers

Nicotine & Tobacco Research, ntab137.

Published: 18 August 2021

Amy M Cohn, Adam C Alexander, Sarah J Ehlke



"A significant decrease in self-reported SHS [secondhand smoke] exposure [in Germany, Greece, Hungary, Poland, Romania, and Spain] was observed in workplaces, from 19.1% in 2016 to 14.0% in 2018 (-5.1%; 95% CI: -8.0%;-2.2%). Self-reported smoking did not change significantly inside bars (22.7% in W2), restaurants (13.2% in W2) and discos/nightclubs (34.0% in W2). SHS exposure in public places was significantly less likely (OR=0.35; 95% CI: 0.26-0.47) in the countries with total bans as compared to those countries with partial bans."


Secondhand smoke exposure in European countries with different smoke-free legislation. Findings from the EUREST-PLUS ITC Europe Surveys

Nicotine & Tobacco Research, ntab157.

Published: 13 August 2021

Sarah O Nogueira, Esteve Fernández, Pete Driezen, Marcela Fu, Olena Tigova, Yolanda Castellano, Ute Mons, Aleksandra Herbeć, Christina N Kyriakos, Tibor Demjén, Antigona C Trofor, Krzysztof Przewoźniak, Paraskevi A Katsaounou, Constantine I Vardavas, Geoffrey T Fong, on behalf of the EUREST-PLUS Consortium



"More varenicline users (33.3%, 95% CI: 21.7%–46.7%) quit smoking than nicotine patch users (13.3%, 95% CI: 5.9%–24.6%). The adjusted rate difference was 24.2% (95% CI: 10.2%–38.2%) and the adjusted relative risk was 2.8 (95% CI: 1.4–5.7). Conclusions: Varenicline was almost three times more effective than nicotine patches in assisting pregnant women to quit smoking."


The Comparative Effectiveness of Varenicline and Nicotine Patches for Smoking Abstinence During Pregnancy: Evidence From a Population-based Cohort Study

Nicotine & Tobacco Research, ntab063.

Published: 16 August 2021

Stephanie K Y Choi, Duong T Tran, Anna Kemp-Casey, David B Preen, Deborah Randall, Kristjana Einarsdottir, Louisa R Jorm, Alys Havard



"Expanding the serum cotinine range to 0.015-10 ng/mL more than doubles the estimated proportion of U.S. nonsmokers exposed to secondhand smoke. In contrast to a serum cotinine range of 0.05-10 ng/mL, it suggests that progress has been made in reducing population-level secondhand smoke exposure during 2011-2018, especially among nonsmokers experiencing lower exposure levels."


Trends in Secondhand Smoke Exposure, 2011-2018: Impact and Implications of Expanding Serum Cotinine Range

Am J Prev Med. 2021 Sep;61(3):e109-e117. Epub 2021 Jul 29.

James Tsai, David M Homa, Linda J Neff, Connie S Sosnoff, Lanqing Wang, Benjamin C Blount, Paul C Melstrom, Brian A King



Note: Open Access.




Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease and U.S. Workers: Prevalence, Trends, and Attributable Cases Associated With Work



JAMA Netw Open: US: GWLs; Materials: Cigarette Filters & Recycling

"Tobacco giant Philip Morris has raised its bid to buy respiratory drugmaker Vectura to more than £1bn [US$1.4bn]. Vectura makes inhaled medicines and devices to treat respiratory illnesses such as asthma, and counts Novartis and GSK among its customers. The Marlboro cigarette maker increased its offer to £1.65 ($2.29) per share after US private equity firm Carlyle offered £958m ($1.3bn) on Friday. Vectura has not yet responded to requests for comment on the new bid. It previously said it was backing Carlyle's offer and withdrawing its recommendation for Philip Morris' earlier bid." [No author. Tobacco giant Philip Morris raises bid for respiratory drugmaker, BBC News. See also: Carlyle ups bid for inhaler firm Vectura, trumping tobacco giant Philip Morris, The Guardian]


"For years, FDA [Food & Drug Administration] has allowed the vast majority of e-cigarettes to stay on the market even though none of them have the premarket tobacco product application (PMTA) orders they need to be sold legally. But all that is changing. Following a court ruling, FDA must issue PMTA orders by September 9, pro or con, for every e-cigarette brand or variant that has applied to stay on the market and take any not receiving permissive orders off the market. So, the big questions are whether FDA will issue PMTA orders to allow the continued marketing of any e-cigarettes, and if so, what restrictions and requirements FDA might put on the permitted e-cigarettes, their flavors, and their marketing." [Eric N. Lindblom. All Eyes on FDA: The Upcoming Regulation of Juul E-Cigarettes, MedPage Today]


"This randomized clinical trial found that graphic warning labels decreased positive perceptions of cigarettes associated with branded cigarette packs but without clearly increasing health concerns. They also increased quitting cognitions but did not affect either cigarette cessation or consumption levels."


Effect of Graphic Warning Labels on Cigarette Packs on US Smokers’ Cognitions and Smoking Behavior After 3 Months

A Randomized Clinical Trial

JAMA Netw Open. 2021;4(8):e2121387.

August 4, 2021

David R. Strong, John P. Pierce, Kim Pulvers, Matthew D. Stone, Adriana Villaseñor, Minya Pu, Claudiu V. Dimofte, Eric C. Leas, Jesica Oratowski, Elizabeth Brighton, Samantha Hurst, Sheila Kealey, Ruifeng Chen, Karen Messer


Note: Open Access.


Related PR:


Graphic warning labels on cigarette packaging changes perceptions



"Among tobacco naïve adolescents (N = 9455), tobacco ads exposure was positively associated with tobacco use susceptibility, compared with the non-exposure group. Seeing cigarettes/other non-ENDS [electronic nicotine delivery systems] tobacco products only was associated with a 1.64 increase in odds being susceptible to tobacco use; tobacco ads exposure via website and/or social media sites only (cigarette/other non-ENDS tobacco, AOR: 1.87, 95%CI: 1.25-2.81; ENDS, AOR: 2.25, 95%CI: 1.43-3.55) was associated with higher odds of tobacco use susceptibility, compared to the non-exposure group. With rapidly increasing rates of ENDS use in adolescents, it is crucial that advertisements promoting the initiation and continued use of ENDS are strictly regulated, especially among advertisements that are online and on social media sites."


Exploring how tobacco advertisements are associated with tobacco use susceptibility in tobacco naive adolescents from the PATH study

Prev Med. 2021 Aug 3;106758. Online ahead of print.

Xiao Li, Jacob Borodovsky, Erin Kasson, Nina Kaiser, Raven Riordan, Andrea Fentem, Patricia A Cavazos-Rehg



"With health care systems putting new efforts into identifying patients eligible for lung cancer screening, we have an opportunity to connect these patients with effective tobacco treatment. Continuing to rely on hurried conversations as the gateway to tobacco treatment is unacceptable. We must consider proactive tobacco treatment as a core component of lung cancer screening and make the incredibly modest investment to make it happen."



Smoking Cessation Resources Can and Should Be Integrated in Lung Cancer Screening

Chest. 2021 Aug;160(2):413-414.

Steven B Zeliadt



Related Chest study:


Provision of Smoking Cessation Resources in the Context of In-Person Shared Decision-Making for Lung Cancer Screening


Note: Open Access.


Modern Perioperative Practices May Mitigate Effects of Continued Smoking Among Lung Cancer Patients

Ann Thorac Surg. 2021 Aug 3;S0003-4975(21)01317-5. Online ahead of print.

Erin M Corsini, Nicolas Zhou, Kyle G Mitchell, Mara B Antonoff, Reza J Mehran, David C Rice, Boris Sepesi, Stephen G Swisher, Ara A Vaporciyan, Garrett L Walsh, Paul M Cinciripini, Maher Karam-Hage, Jack A Roth, Wayne L Hofstetter



"Nearly all physicians reported asking patients whether they smoke (95.6%) and advising them to stop (94.8%), slightly fewer assessed the readiness to quit (86.5%), and only a minority assisted with a quit plan (27.4%) or arranged a follow-up (18.6%). Only 18% reported using the U.S. Public Health Service Guidelines in clinical practice. Time-related factors were the most common barriers (53.4%), with patient factors (36.9%) and financial/resource factors (35.1%) cited less frequently… Conclusions: This national survey highlights the need for increased implementation of all aspects of the latest guidelines for evidence-based tobacco treatments, including community-based resources."


Tobacco Treatment Guideline Use and Predictors Among U.S. Physicians by Specialty

Am J Prev Med. 2021 Aug 4;S0749-3797(21)00329-9. Online ahead of print.

Daniel A Schaer, Binu Singh, Michael B Steinberg, Cristine D Delnevo



"In two national samples of US youth, smoking prevalence declined by a sizeable relative percentage. Intent to smoke in the future and harm perceptions of smoking declined or remained unchanged while EC [e-cigarette] use increased. Results provide little evidence that EC use has increased conventional cigarette smoking among youth."


Has increased youth e-cigarette use in the USA, between 2014 and 2020, changed conventional smoking behaviors, future intentions to smoke and perceived smoking harms?

Addict Behav. 2021 Jul 30;123:107073. Online ahead of print.

Tianze Sun, Carmen C W Lim, Daniel Stjepanović, Janni Leung, Jason P Connor, Coral Gartner, Wayne D Hall, Gary C K Chan





Maternal smoking during pregnancy and poor academic performance in adolescent offspring: A registry data-based cohort study



"There was no association between past-year ENP [electronic nicotine product] use and exercise-induced wheezing or asthma diagnosis. Among those with asthma, there was no evidence of an association between ENP use and long-acting inhaler or quick-relief inhaler use. ENP use among adolescents is associated with increased frequency of wheezing and dry cough. Early recognition of pulmonary clinical manifestations among young ENP users should be critical considerations in regulatory and prevention efforts to protect public health, and clinical efforts to prevent progression to serious pulmonary complications."


Association of Vaping and Respiratory Health among Youth in the Population Assessment of Tobacco and Health (PATH) Study Wave 3

Int J Environ Res Public Health. 2021 Aug 3;18(15):8208.

Christie Cherian, Eugenia Buta, Patricia Simon, Ralitza Gueorguieva, Suchitra Krishnan-Sarin





Analysis of a Vaping-Associated Lung Injury Outbreak through Participatory Surveillance and Archival Internet Data


Note: Open Access.


"Overall, both exclusive menthol and non-menthol cigarette use declined from 2013-2017. Exclusive ENDS [electronic nicotine delivery systems] use increased, particularly among youth who were non-Hispanic White or had a higher socioeconomic status (measured by parental education, household income, and homeownership). Dual use of ENDS with either menthol or non-menthol cigarettes did not change significantly."


Sociodemographic Patterns of Exclusive and Dual Use of ENDS and Menthol/Non-Menthol Cigarettes among US Youth (Ages 15-17) Using Two Nationally Representative Surveys (2013-2017)

Int J Environ Res Public Health. 2021 Jul 22;18(15):7781.

Akash Patel, Jana L Hirschtick, Steven Cook, Bukola Usidame, Ritesh Mistry, David T Levy, Rafael Meza, Nancy L Fleischer





Exploring How Exposure to Truth and State-Sponsored Anti-Tobacco Media Campaigns Affect Smoking Disparities among Young Adults Using a National Longitudinal Dataset, 2002-2017


A Cluster Analysis of Risk Factors for Cancer across EU Countries: Health Policy Recommendations for Prevention



Note: Open Access.


"Results indicate that e-cigarette use was not helpful for quitting or reducing combustible cigarette use in the 30 s [in the Seattle Social Development Project (SSDP)]. Rather, across extensive tests of moderation, e-cig initiation consistently predicted less quitting during this important age period for successful cessation."


The role of electronic cigarette use for quitting or reducing combustible cigarette use in the 30s: Longitudinal changes and moderated relationships

Drug Alcohol Depend. 2021 Jul 28;227:108940. Online ahead of print.

Rick Kosterman, Marina Epstein, Jennifer A Bailey, Madeline Furlong, J David Hawkins



"Previous research has demonstrated a negative relationship between health literacy [HL] and conventional cigarette (CIG) use. However, the relationship between health literacy and e-cigarette (ECIG) use remains unclear… After adjusting for covariates, higher levels of oral health literacy was associated with lower odds of current dual use. However, there was no significant association between written HL and either conventional cigarette use or electronic cigarette use or after adjusting for covariates. Oral messaging around the dangers of CIG use may be effective at lowering odds of CIG or dual use, especially for those with higher levels of HL."


The Association Between Health Literacy and Tobacco Use: Results from a Nationally Representative Survey

J Community Health. 2021 Aug 6. Online ahead of print.

James S Clifford, Juan Lu, Courtney T Blondino, Elizabeth K Do, Elizabeth C Prom-Wormley



"Tobacco/nicotine prevention in early adolescence has implications for preventing tobacco/nicotine-related harms during pregnancy among young adults. Intervention programs and clinicians informed about various types of tobacco/nicotine are needed to address tobacco/nicotine cessation among adolescents to prevent consequences of tobacco/nicotine use during pregnancy."


An examination of how e-cigarette/cigarette use during adolescence is associated with future use during the third trimester of pregnancy

Subst Abus. 2021 Aug 6;1-5. Online ahead of print.

Dana C Beck, Carol J Boyd, Rebecca Evans-Polce, Sean Esteban McCabe, Phil T Veliz 



"Otolaryngology residents have not received formal education in e-cigarettes and are not confident discussing e-cigarettes with their patients. This highlights the need for e-cigarette education during otolaryngology residency to improve patient e-cigarette counseling."


Otolaryngology Resident Education and Perceptions of e-cigarettes

Ann Otol Rhinol Laryngol. 2021 Aug 7;34894211037415. Online ahead of print.

Elliot Y Koo, Vivian Jin, Heather M Weinreich, Barry L Wenig



"For one of the suggested key regions for addiction, the amygdala, we observed significantly stronger brain responses to the valence aspect of the presented images than to the craving aspect. Our results emphasize the need for carefully selecting stimulus material for cue-reactivity paradigms, in particular with respect to emotional valence. Further, they can help designing future research on teasing apart the diverse psychological dimensions that comprise nicotine dependence and, therefore, can lead to a more precise mapping of craving-associated brain areas, an important step towards more tailored smoking cessation treatments."


Disentangling craving- and valence-related brain responses to smoking cues in individuals with nicotine use disorder

Addict Biol. 2021 Aug 7;e13083. Online ahead of print.

Amelie Haugg, Andrei Manoliu, Ronald Sladky, Lea M Hulka, Matthias Kirschner, Annette B Brühl, Erich Seifritz, Boris B Quednow, Marcus Herdener, Frank Scharnowski


Note: Open Access.


"The world is witnessing a global epidemic of lung cancer in women. Cigarette smoking remains the dominant risk factor in both sexes, but multiple observations suggest that important sex-related distinctions in lung cancer exist. These include differences in histologic distribution, prevalence in never-smokers, frequency of activating EGFR mutations, likelihood of DNA adduct accumulation, and survival outcomes... A deeper understanding of sex-related differences in lung cancer may lead to improved outcomes for both women and men."


Women and Lung Cancer

Clin Chest Med. 2021 Sep;42(3):467-482.

Lynn T Tanoue



"With the proposed previous conditioning of used cigarette butts (cleaning and drying them), the new prepared samples keep high absorption coefficient values for medium and high frequencies, showing their potential application as acoustic absorbers. In any case, further studies related to the different influences on absorption—for instance, of density or thickness—and the possibility of the establishment of a standard method for preparing large samples would be desirable."


Initial Conditioning of Used Cigarette Filters for Their Recycling as Acoustical Absorber Materials

Materials (Basel). 2021 Jul 27;14(15):4161.

Valentín Gómez Escobar, Celia Moreno González, María José Arévalo Caballero, Ana Mᵃ Gata Jaramillo


Note: Open Access.


"Exposure to tobacco smoke toxicants either through smoking or environmental tobacco smoke is a major health issue. The present investigation revealed toxic interactions of nicotine and cadmium in A549 lung cancer cells that remained minimal after a single exposure. However, individual toxicity levels remained unaltered and suggest that different constituents of tobacco smoke may interact minimally but contribute significantly to overall toxic effects, for example targeting different organs, cells, or cell organelles. This is the reason why the health effects of tobacco smoke are very complex and it remains a major preventable cause of mortality and morbidity in millions worldwide."


Toxicological interaction between tobacco smoke toxicants cadmium and nicotine: An in-vitro investigation

Saudi J Biol Sci. 2021 Aug;28(8):4201-4209. Epub 2021 May 11.

Wajhul Qamar, Mohammad A Altamimi, Muneeb U Rehman, Nemat Ali, Faisal Imam, Fawaz Essa Alanazi


Note: Open Access.


"Political will differs according to ministerial mandates and priorities, fostering a fragmented policy approach and undermining the development of a coherent response. Without political will from the president or national parliament to create an overarching framework for tobacco control, either via ratification of the Framework Convention on Tobacco Control or another mechanism, there remains no formal impetus for intragovernmental cooperation."


Policy incoherence and tobacco control in Indonesia: an analysis of the national tobacco-related policy mix

Tob Control. 2021 Aug 6;tobaccocontrol-2021-056633. Online ahead of print.

Elisabeth Kramer, Abdillah Ahsan, Vaughan W Rees



"The study population ranged from 618 957 individuals in 2010 to 498 812 in 2018. An estimated average increase in ED [emergency department] visits for asthma in infants aged 0-1 years of 0.42 per 100 individuals (95% CI: 0.09 to 0.75) and a 57% relative increase corresponding to the 2015 SFOA was observed. A significant decrease in ED visits for asthma-related conditions of 0.19 per 100 individuals (95% CI: -0.37 to -0.01) and a 22% relative decrease corresponding to the 2015 SFOA [Smoke-Free Ontario Act] was observed. Conclusion: Based on the observed positive effect of restricting smoking on patios, playgrounds and sports fields on respiratory morbidity in children with asthma, other jurisdictions globally should consider implementing similar smoke-free policies."


Effect of smoke-free legislation on respiratory health services use in children with asthma: a population-based open cohort study in Ontario, Canada

BMJ Open. 2021 Aug 5;11(8):e048137.

Teresa To, Ivy Fong, Jingqin Zhu, Rachel McGihon, Kimball Zhang, Emilie Terebessy



Note: Open Access.


Tobacco industry capitalises on the COVID-19 pandemic

Lancet Respir Med. 2021 Jul 29;S2213-2600(21)00361-1. Online ahead of print.

Talha Khan Burki


Note: Open Access.


"Our study reveals that the amount of smoking causally and positively influences the risk of COVID-19 severity, presumably due to reduced lung function caused by smoking of the tobacco, which is proportional to cigarette pack-years. However, the binary defined smoking status does not show any effect on susceptibility to COVID-19 or its severity. This inconsistency may reflect a balanced effect of possible protective effects of cigarette smoking as such, including intermittent ones, on susceptibility to COVID-19 and the extent of smoking-related lung damage which is evident in heavy smokers. Our study suggests that heavy smokers have an increased risk for the development of severe outcomes after the SARS-CoV-2 infection."


Letter to the Editor

Smoking quantitatively increases risk for COVID-19

Eur Respir J. 2021 Jul 29;2101273. Online ahead of print.

Fuquan Zhang, Ancha Baranova


Note: Open Access.


"The protocol outlines principles governing research funding, including requirements that universities develop criteria for accepting research funding and “normally reveal the source of funds for research.” Yet even for tobacco, university policies are typically underspecified. Minimalist assertions that a university “does not accept research funding from the tobacco industry” leave many unanswered questions. Do existing policies preclude funding from initiatives like the Foundation for a Smoke-Free World, which supplies grants of $80m (£58m; €68m) a year based on revenue from cigarette giant Philip Morris? Do they apply to manufacturers of e-cigarettes and other nicotine devices, or only when these are owned by tobacco companies? Does rejection of funding extend to philanthropic donations or teaching support through scholarships or placements?"



Conflicted and confused? Health harming industries and research funding in leading UK universities

BMJ 2021;374:n1657 (Published 27 July 2021)

Jeff Collin, Alex Wright, Sarah Hill, Kat Smith



"This analysis contributes to advancing the nascent literature on predictors of electronic nicotine product (ENP) cessation, which can guide the development of ENP cessation interventions by indicating which populations, psychosocial and environmental constructs and co-occurring behaviors interventions should target. This research also highlights the importance of considering cigarette smoking status when designing ENP cessation interventions and defining intervention outcomes."


Electronic nicotine product cessation and cigarette smoking: analysis of waves 3 and 4 from the PATH study

Nicotine & Tobacco Research, ntab155.

Published: 27 July 2021

Nandita Krishnan, Lorien C Abroms, Carla J Berg





Multiethnic Prediction of Nicotine Biomarkers and Association With Nicotine Dependence


Note: Biomarkers paper Open Access.


"24.2% of e-cigarette users (and 57.6% of non-users) supported (strongly/somewhat) sales restrictions on flavored vape products; 15.1% of e-cigarette users (45.1% of non-users) supported complete vape product sales restrictions. If restricted to tobacco flavors, 39.1% of e-cigarette users reported being likely (very/somewhat) to continue using e-cigarettes (30.5% not at all likely); 33.2% were likely to switch to cigarettes (45.5% not at all)… Conclusions: While lower-risk users may be more positively impacted by such policies, other young adult user subgroups may not experience benefit."


Reactions to sales restrictions on flavored vape products or all vape products among young adults in the US

Nicotine Tob Res. 2021 Jul 31;ntab154. Online ahead of print.

Heather Posner, Katelyn Romm, Lisa Henriksen, Debra Bernat, Carla J Berg



"Results showed that exposure to IQOS produced smoking urge and behavior in young adult smokers, implicating IQOS use as a smoking and vaping cue. As HTPs [heated tobacco products] gain popularity, product impact on passive observers should be included in their risk-benefit profile."


Effects of Visual Exposure to IQOS Use on Smoking Urge and Behavior

Tob Regul Sci. 2021 Jan;7(1):31-45.

Emma I Brett, Krista Miloslavich, Ashley Vena, Nathan Didier, Andrea C King 


Note: Open Access.


"There was an increase in current ENDS [electronic nicotine delivery systems] use prevalence from 2014–2015 (3.4%) to 2018–2019 (5.4%). The presence of a tax on ENDS products was significantly associated with reduced current ENDS use (adjusted OR (AOR)=0.64, 95% CI=0.43 to 0.95). Importantly, respondents living in states with the policy showed significantly lower increase in ENDS use prevalence during the study period (interaction between within-state changes and between-state differences: AOR=0.57, 95% CI=0.35 to 0.91), controlling for other state-level policies and sociodemographic characteristics."


Statewide vaping product excise tax policy and use of electronic nicotine delivery systems among US young adults, 2014–2019

Tobacco Control Published Online First: 29 July 2021.

Dae-Hee Han, Dong-Chul Seo, Hsien-Chang Lin





Evolving chemical landscape of e-cigarettes, 2021         


Responses to pictorial versus text-only cigarillo warnings among a nationally representative sample of US young adults


Association of cigarette production and tobacco retailer density on secondhand smoke exposure in urban China


Note: Retailer density in China paper Open Access.


"A final sample of 808 e-cigarette/vaping-related videos that met study criteria were included. Collectively, these videos were viewed over 1.5 billion times, with a median view count of 1 000 000 (range 112 900–78 600 000) and a median ‘likes’ count of 143 000 (range 10 000–1 000 000). A majority of the videos portrayed e-cigarette use positively (63%; collectively viewed over 1.1 billion times). Neutral depictions of e-cigarette use were viewed a total of 290 million times (24%) and negative depictions of e-cigarettes were viewed a total of 193 million times (13%)."


Vaping on TikTok: a systematic thematic analysis

Tobacco Control Published Online First: 26 July 2021.

Tianze Sun, Carmen C.W. Lim, Jack Chung, Brandon Cheng, Lily Davidson, Calvert Tisdale, Janni Leung, Coral E Gartner, Jason Connor, Wayne D Hall, Gary C.K. Chan



"The implementation of standardised packaging was associated with a significant step reduction in the odds of being a smoker after May 2017 (OR: 0.93; 95% CI 0.87 to 0.99). The magnitude of the association was similar when modelling the step change in May 2016 at the start of the 1-year policy implementation period (OR: 0.90; 95% CI: 0.83 to 0.97)."


Was the implementation of standardised tobacco packaging legislation in England associated with changes in smoking prevalence? A segmented regression analysis between 2006 and 2019

Tobacco Control Published Online First: 29 July 2021.

Magdalena Opazo Breton, John Britton, Jamie Brown, Emma Beard, Ilze Bogdanovica



"The menthol ban [in Ontario, Canada] aided some menthol smokers to quit, while others reported the ban did not play a role in smoking cessation. These data suggest the menthol ban had direct and indirect effects on smoking reduction behavior. Campaigns supporting similar bans that target both types of effects will likely be most effective for smoking reduction."


Smoking cessation strategies used by former menthol cigarette smokers after a menthol ban

Addictive Behaviors

Volume 123, December 2021, 107046

Available online 13 July 2021.

Eric K. Soule, Jolene Dubray, Joanna E. Cohen, Robert Schwartz, Michael Chaiton



"Over three quarters (77.3%) of students reported a quit attempt and half of them (50.1%) reported quit success. Prevalence rates of quit success and quit attempts, showed relatively small variations between schools within countries. Associations of smoke-free school policy, tobacco educational programmes and cessation programmes with quit attempts and quit success could not be demonstrated with statistical significance. Quit attempts and quit success were inversely associated with alcohol use, parental smoking, and friend smoking."


Smoking cessation among adolescents in Europe: The role of school policy and programmes

Drug Alcohol Depend. 2021 Jul 28;227:108945. Online ahead of print.

Aukje E J Mertens, Anton E Kunst, Vincent Lorant, Joana Alves, Arja Rimpelä, Luke Clancy, Mirte A G Kuipers



"The adjusted median overall survival time was 21.6 months higher among patients who had quit smoking than those who continued smoking (6.6 vs. 4.8 years, respectively; P = 0.001). Higher 5-year overall survival (60.6% vs. 48.6%; P = 0.001) and progression-free survival (54.4% vs. 43.8%; P = 0.004) were observed among patients who quit than those who continued smoking. After adjustments, smoking cessation remained associated with decreased risk for all-cause mortality (HR, 0.67 [95% CI, 0.53 to 0.85]), cancer-specific mortality (HR, 0.75 [CI, 0.58 to 0.98]), and disease progression (HR, 0.70 [CI, 0.56 to 0.89])… Conclusion: Smoking cessation after diagnosis materially improved overall and progression-free survival among current smokers with early-stage lung cancer."


Postdiagnosis Smoking Cessation and Reduced Risk for Lung Cancer Progression and Mortality

A Prospective Cohort Study

Annals of Internal Medicine

July 27, 2021

Mahdi Sheikh, Anush Mukeriya, Oxana Shangina, Paul Brennan, David Zaridze



Related Ann Int Med Editorial:


Treating Tobacco Smoking After the Diagnosis of Lung Cancer: It's Not Too Late and a Call to Action



Related PR:


Quitting smoking after lung cancer diagnosis may extend life without cancer recurrence



"Using data from the China Health and Nutrition Survey (CHNS), we examine the association between smoking cessation and body weight in China… We find that smoking cessation is associated with a modest increase in weight (0.329 kg, 0.51 % off the mean) and no significant changes in the prevalence of overweight or obesity."


Smoking cessation and weight gain: Evidence from China

Econ Hum Biol. 2021 Jul 16;43:101045. Online ahead of print.

Kevin Callison, Cuiping Schiman, Jeffrey C Schiman



"We followed 45 923 never-smoking women, aged 34-70 years, who completed a baseline questionnaire between 1991 and 2007 through linkages to national registries through December 2018… Our results suggest that 1 in 14 breast-cancer cases [in Norway] could have been avoided in the absence of SHS [secondhand smoke] exposure from parents during childhood in a population of never-smoking women. The cancer burden attributable to SHS may be underestimated."


Never-smokers and the fraction of breast cancer attributable to second-hand smoke from parents during childhood: the Norwegian Women and Cancer Study 1991-2018

Int J Epidemiol. 2021 Aug 1;dyab153. Online ahead of print.

Inger T Gram, Arne Bastian Wiik, Eiliv Lund, Idlir Licaj, Tonje Braaten


Note: Open Access.


"Our study identified 9,096,788 births between 2004 and 2014. Of which, 443,590 (4.8%) had a documented diagnosis of smoking. A significantly higher risk was found for PTB [preterm birth] (odds ratio 1.39, CI 1.35-1.43), preterm premature rupture of membranes (odds ratio 1.52, CI 1.43-1.62) and small for gestational age (SGA) neonates (odds ratio 2.27, CI 2.19-2.35)… Conclusions: This large database confirms the findings of previous smaller studies, according to which smoking decreases the risk of preeclampsia while increasing the risk of PTB and SGA neonates. The current study also revealed a decreased risk for PPH [post partum hemorrhage] as well as for chorioamnionitis among pregnant smokers."


The relation between cigarette smoking with delivery outcomes. An evaluation of a database of more than nine million deliveries

J Perinat Med. 2021 Jul 30. Online ahead of print.

Ido Feferkorn, Ahmad Badeghiesh, Haitham Baghlaf, Michael H Dahan



"SHSE [secondhand smoke exposure] was associated with higher odds of dyslipidemia with higher odds among women and old adults. Primary intervention(s) targeted at reducing SHSE may show benefits in reducing the odds of dyslipidemia, and longitudinal studies would be necessary to clarify the association between SHSE and dyslipidemia."


Secondhand smoke exposure and dyslipidemia among non-smoking adults in the United States

Indoor Air. 2021 Jul 30. Online ahead of print.

Akinkunmi Paul Okekunle, Jeffery Osahon Asowata, Babatunde Adedokun, Onoja Matthew Akpa
